price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
great price compared to other places. works as designed a it's ink not much else to really say.
Apr 10, 2018
bought this some time ago and it's great. even brought it on trips so have one universal spot to charge kids devices. having a single spot that the kids can just keep their devices is great.
Apr 10, 2018
this thing is great to bring on trips with us. great in hotel rooms for plugging in multiple devices to charge overnight. next one I will but it's the one with cable on it and you can stick to surface.
Apr 10, 2018
does exactly what they are suppose to do. Velcro sticks good and using it on my computer desk to keep more cable and USB extension from falling behind desk. came free with order.
Apr 10, 2018
does what it was designed to do. looks good and ready to put together once figured it out as there were no instructions on box. this may be an issue for some but overall it is great and no issues with stability or anything.
Apr 10, 2018
absolutely love this thing. like others have had the screen does dim when you used the exact erase feature but the key is to calibrate the board and it's real easy to do. They have a YouTube video that shows you how and once you do that it's fine. I mostly use it as scratch paper at work and on weekend when playing tabletop rpg.
the templates are nice and you could make your own as well which is great. I'm actually considering picking up the sync since it can save files as well.
the app is something to be desired though, it's essentially just a glorified camera app with a couple extra features. hard to take picture of screen since it's shiny and have problems with glare in a really well lit room.
overall great product. mediocre app
Apr 10, 2018
does what they say, great sticking to any of the surfaces I have used them for, mostly plastic and combined with the 6-inch monoprice releasable cable ties they work great.
Mar 19, 2018
does as they are designed to do, keeps both our devices charged on long trips and got one for each vehicle :).
Mar 19, 2018
I put these in each of my vehicles an I haven't had any issues with my phone falling off even after hitting so bad potholes or on gravel roads. Highly recommend.
Mar 19, 2018
price is great but can't speak for quality yet as haven't had to use it yet as we are still using the starter that came with the label maker.
Mar 19, 2018
Reply by our customer service
Dear Chris,
Be sure to come back and review our product!
Have a good day.
works, been buying these ones for while and way better deal then buying Brother brand.
Mar 19, 2018
great label maker so far labeled all my cables and my wife has started using it as well for labeling kids stuff.
Mar 19, 2018