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Our processing time for orders may take up to 24-48 hours. Once processed, the estimated delivery time can take anywhere from 1-5 business days depending on the shipping destination.

FREE SHIPPING* on all orders over $49 in Canada !All orders under $49, the cost of shipping is only $7.95! *Free shipping is not available when the shipping address is a remote location.More >>

Enjoy Free Shipping on Orders $49

Our processing time for orders may take up to 24-48 hours. Once processed, the estimated delivery time can take anywhere from 1-5 business days depending on the shipping destination.

FREE SHIPPING* on all orders over $49 in Canada !All orders under $49, the cost of shipping is only $7.95! *Free shipping is not available when the shipping address is a remote location.More >>

put in a new cartridge and it will not print the colour...put in a 2nd cartridge, same issue...bummer!!!
Apr 17, 2021

Reply by our customer service

Hi there, your feedback is important to us. We appreciate you for taking the time to let us know your comment about the product. I'm sorry that we didn't meet your expectations at this time. Please don't hesitate to contact us at 1-866-979-7463, or contact our customer service by line chat or send us an email at support@12ink.com and we wil try to help you out with waterver you are having.

...good savings with the "Moustache" cartouches...thanks
Oct 11, 2020
however, being 76, i wish the equipment came with examples of excersises to complete...also, i believe the supplier should consider selling the bands as "PAIRS" of each strength... I believe i will be improving my core strength and flexibililty which will be ideal for next years golf season. Keep safe! Cheers!
Oct 11, 2020
Je continue a etre tres satisfait des cartouches d'encre noir, bleu, magenta, et jaune...mais FedEX., c'est une autre histoire...cinq jours a poursuivre mon colis...de faire un voyage de 70km aller/retour, le manque d'attention aux instructions donnes..ca pris de la patience de la part d'un homme de 76 ans...A la prochaine, on discutera un autre maniere de livraison.. Merci d'un bon produit... soyez sauf. gardez vous en sante et prudence dans ses jours difficiles..
Jun 22, 2020
