perfec,very good still have ink in the other cartridge but in with this one I will be ready as soon as it become time to change it again soon...
Nov 19, 2019
the problem with the chairis:first it is not a HIGHBACK TILTER the back of the chair happen to be too small it doesn't reach my shoulder and the head rest is not above the back but equal to the back of the chair;that doen't fit to me because it does not go above my shoulder.May be You should mesure the back of high tilter and post-it online that help customer to identified the real size of the chair. Tank You....Christian
Sep 09, 2019
Reply by our customer service
Dear customer ,thanks for your kind reviews .I am glad that we have resolved the issue for you .Any concern ,please feel free to let us know .Best regards
very satisfied of the product
Sep 26, 2017
even that I didn't use it yet base on my experience with this product I never experience problem in the past it last along time even though the printer tell me that ink runing low since two weeks now I still didn't change ink cartridge yet and I use the printer every day...
Jan 12, 2017
It work better than the one printer that I had before buying the Canon printer;this cartridge is easy to install few second and your ready to resume your printing job.there is a small draw back it doesn't last long!
Nov 10, 2016
I didn't have time to study all the features of this printer but so far I love that this printer print job from the computer or internet very fast;I was doing a job and I send every thing to be print,then I realise that I forget to change the date on my document before printing but the printer was so fast thatI didn't have time to stop the print job and change the paper size and the date,that the printer already have finish his job...
Jun 30, 2016
this is a good pruduct as good it would be with original ink cartridges tank's to the chip this go smoothtly in Hewlett Packard printer, tank you.
May 22, 2015
verry good specialy because of the chip
Jan 20, 2015
I like those ink cartridges specialy the one that com with the chip.I use to refill my cartriges myself at home with the old empty cartridges but that is good for a while once the sponge inside the cartrige has dry out there is no way to refill again onless bying another cartridge,then again the diffrence in price is not desirable and with the mess that com by filling them better buy remanufactured.
Jan 20, 2015
these cartriges are verry good for the printer specialy since they now have the code include on the cartrige;at that price I would buy more rather than refill old cartriges...avoid the mess!
Nov 01, 2014
it is a wonderful idea to save money on cartriges however it is a messy job and also I notice that the cartriges sometime do not keep the ink inside,they leaking and the ink evaporate inside the cartriges(have to refill them more I have a question:about the clear solution to clean someting in the printer I suppose?please respond with e-mail with tip...Tank You
Feb 19, 2014