Employees enjoy the fit. I enjoy the price. Snug enough around the nose but still comfortable.
Feb 06, 2022
Needed the drum replacement so the printer would stop smudging. Believe it isn’t the toner or the cheaper toner you are using. You do need to replace the drum.
Feb 06, 2022
I can get two of these toners for half the price of one regular price. That leaves the office with a savings.
Feb 06, 2022
These work no problems. Once inserted the quality is perfect
Feb 06, 2022
As usual I purchase toners for the office. So worth it for you to move over to Moustache toners. The price and quality.
Feb 06, 2022
purchased a few boxes from Staples and my employees hated them. These i have used since the start of the pandemic and i have not heard one complaint, well at least on feel and comfort.
Dec 08, 2021
Cheaper than Staples but not in quality. Looks sturdy and I need them to stand up to my guys abuse.
Nov 10, 2021
Quality is excellent. I can’t get over the price. I have been asked by reps at Staples and Grand and Toy where I buy my toners and why. They can’t match this price.
Nov 10, 2021
Cheap in price not in quality!
Nov 10, 2021
Still a great product. I purchase for my office and I try to get the best price on everything. I don’t buy toners from anyone else!
Nov 10, 2021
In need of a new hole punch. Great price. Easy to use.
Oct 05, 2021
On sale. Microsoft brand name. How do you go wrong? and a combo that is wireless. Great price and value.
Oct 05, 2021
So far the employees like them. Comfortable on the nose and ears.
Oct 05, 2021
As usual, these type of masks I have never had a problem in wearing. Comfort level is perfect. Tight fitting on the face as needed but still able to breath.
Oct 05, 2021
All purpose cleaner and being that is a disinfectant was even better. Three bottles at such a great price I picked up two sets.
Sep 26, 2021
I purchased two of these for an office that was having trouble keeping up on cleaning during Covid. This way each employee using the computer could plug in their own keyboard and mouse. Great product. Simple, wireless and at a great price. Having the namebrand status of Microsoft made it even better.
Sep 26, 2021
Who knew Brother products not only needed toners but drums as well. This fit perfect. No squeezing or confusion on install. Just like fitting in the original product.
Great buy, Great savings.
Sep 15, 2021
I have a printer for each desk and employee. In order to purchase a brother toner for each one it would cost me triple compared to one Moustache toner.
Employees don't see a difference in quality or life of the product.
Sep 15, 2021