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Folding 4-Wheel Rollator Walker with Seat, Supports up to 300 lbs - LIVINGbasics®

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  • 5 /5


    de Ontario

    Remercié 0 fois pour 1 avis
    17 juil. 2024

    Was exactly what I needed when I arrived in the city we were traveling to. I had one at home, but with a load that we had it made it much easier to leave my walker at home and order another, besides my sister or her husband can use it once I was gone. Thanks for all the troubles you had delivering it, much appreciated.

      Ce commentaire vous a-t-il été utile? Merci (0 personnes ont remercié cathy _d pour cet avis)
    • 4 /5


      de Alberta

      Remercié 25 fois pour 54 avis
      07 juin 2024

      One of the ‘knobs’ to secure the handles won’t screw in. So, I swapped with the other knob. Same problem. That means the receptacle ‘socket’ was not ‘drilled’ properly - threads are not compatible. I deducted one star. As for the rest of this… it’s terrific and a great value. Sturdy. Safe! I feel confident being able to use this, long term, as needed. Thanks for the pricing! Not worth returning because of the badly-threaded socket. I’ll figure out a solution.

        Ce commentaire vous a-t-il été utile? Merci (1 personnes ont remercié Patrick M pour cet avis)
      • 5 /5


        de Quebec

        Remercié 1 fois pour 21 avis
        29 juin 2024

        Déambulateur solide et facile à plier et transporter.Très apprécié de l’utilisateur

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        • 4 /5


          de Manitoba

          Remercié 1 fois pour 1 avis
          11 juin 2024

          I think the only thing I'd like to see different t are the grip on the handles. If they were made with a spongy material they would be so much easier on the palms of my hands

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          • 4 /5


            de Manitoba

            Remercié 13 fois pour 183 avis
            29 fév. 2024

            It beats the one I brought from Walmart by half the price. I brought this for my father but unfortunately my elderly father has a difficult time using the brakes due to him being out of shape. The brakes are wide apart making it harder to brake with shorter finger but that also the case with the Walmart version so I guess it a design flaw for all rollator. Overall, it great buy to save money for the exact same rollator elsewhere or even just to try it out.

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            • 5 /5


              de Nova Scotia

              Remercié 0 fois pour 1 avis
              05 mars 2025

              Perfect walker. Design addresses wide range of weights, heights, mobility needs, hand dexterity and colour tastes. Comfy seat and walking use. Great flexibility to transport as well. Delighted with my purchase and price, and tell everyone about the great deal

                Ce commentaire vous a-t-il été utile? Merci (0 personnes ont remercié g****r pour cet avis)
              Affichage de 1-6 sur 54 commentaires
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